

seem like old things are back


一生最难忘的经历是当每个人一直反对我最渴望得到的东西, 那种悲痛欲解得感觉是无法控制。



Day 4th


Sorry that I love you

wish end

May be it is time to end my wish

what if

it’s almost 1 am now, I still think of what if what if what if, and what if I give myself another chance to travel, to do what I like until one day I stop my step and stand still. I have nothing to worry about, time to enjoy, time to watch and time to sing.

I know what I am looking for and what I am doing now, my decision will be fixed, I cannot heal my previous wound and get into another easily. So let give myself more time to enjoy the life with friends.


Last Fix

I really need much time to decide, really need lots of ideas to support my desicion.

No more existence